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Best Acne Medication

If you want to try medication to cure your acne, here is a list of the most used and effective medications. Please note that there is not such a thing as the best acne medication, what may work your one person may not necessarily work for another person. Anyway, consult your dermatologist or skin specialist first, and you may find a suitable the best acne medication for your needs. Medications can help your acne by: unclogging your skin pores and stopping them from getting plugged with sebum again and againkilling the acne causing bacteriareducing the production of skin oil = sebum in your skin poresbalancing your hormone levels, so they don´t cause an even higher production of skin oil.

Read more: But what is the best acne medication for you? That depends on what type and what severity of acne you suffer from. Maybe you have inflamed skin or a high level of bacteria in your body / on your skin. These features show only as little red bumps with no open sores. Topical creams and lotions work the most effective for this type of acne. If bacteria or inflammation is diagnosed, it is better to go for oral antibiotics or isotretinoin. Oral antibiotics, such as erythromycin, minocycline and tetracycline, can give you pleasant results in the long term. It can take up to 6 months before they develop their full effectiveness, although you may notice first changes after about 1-2 months. Oral antibiotics not only reduce the bacteria that cause acne, but also help to reduce the inflammation of your skin. There are side effects you may suffer from such as upset stomachs, dizziness and a higher risk of sunburn. Some cases of acne can also be treated with topical antibiotics. These treatments come in little bottles with a sponge applicator, and are applied over all by acne affected areas, not just the individual pimples. A massive disadvantage of this type of medication is the fact, that they don´t have any impact on blackheads and whiteheads. Other medications has also been proven to be effective when fighting acne: oral contraceptives help the female skin to get rid of acne by reducing the oil production in the pores. They can be used over a long period, but shouldn´t be used by women who smoke or suffer from migraine headaches, and of course not without the advice of a gynecologist. There are many different medications on the market to pull you out of your acne woes. But, it is more than recommended to use them only under medical guidance, because all the medications are strong and can have severe side effects and if you don´t use them the right way you may not just be stuck with your acne, but you can also cause yourself serious skin damage. Use the best acne medication for your condition the way it´s recommended and you can expect some results.

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